
OPPORTUNITY: Eels on Wheels demonstrates to people with and without disabilities that limitations can be overcome, and that even an adventure sport such as SCUBA diving can be an option for anyone.  Along with the diving component, the Eels also provide an opportunity to socialize and share information among its members and friends.

CHOICE: A disability often leaves a person fearing their choice of activities is limited.  Eels on Wheels strives to show them there are many choices available.  It does this in part by focusing on an activity such as SCUBA diving.

CHALLENGE: SCUBA diving can be challenging for anyone. It requires a high level of physical and psychological competence.  The sense of personal achievement that comes with certification is often translated into improvements in attitude, behavior, and self-image.

MOTIVATION: The Eels provide inspiration for everyone involved.  It is truly awesome to see people motivated to achieve goals that once appeared impossible.  Involvement in the community has increased awareness of and involvement with people with disabilities.

BARRIER REMOVAL: People who meet the Eels leave with a totally different perspective of what life is like with a disability.  Encounters with Eels members will positively affect the community's perceptions and attitude toward persons with disabilities.